
This introductory workshop will cover the fundamentals of using Git and GitHub in Rstudio. With such a short workshop, I will only be able to get you started with using Git, but at the end, you should have a general workflow to start using Git in your research. We’ll learn how to install and link Git to Rstudio, create and clone a GitHub repo, practice the “pull - commit - push” process, and explore how Git can help you recover from programming disasters. Throughout, I’ll provide some tips for collaborating with others and increasing the reproducibility of your analyses.

Pre-workshop Homework

Installing and configuring Git and GitHub be finicky. To give us as much time as possible and to ensure that we all start on the right foot, please work through “Getting Started” prior to attending the workshop.

Further Reading:

This workshop pulls heavily from Jenny Bryan’s resource “Happy Git and GitHub for the useR”. As you continue learning to use Git, keep this resource close by.